Saturday, October 4, 2008



THE ORDER PROBOSCIDEA: The sole survivors of a once prevalent order are the two species of elephants, those colossal pachyderms (thick skins) which inhabit Africa south of the Sahara, as well as India, Sri Lanka, and southeast Asia. The African elephant is the largest land animal alive today at over 15,000 pounds, while the Asian (also known as the Indian) elephant is the most powerful land animal.


Joe said...

Hey Jared... I'll be the first to admit (don't take offense) that I don't understand some of your art. But for some reason, and I don't know why, this picture of the elephant catches my eye and I like it. Good work. Uncle, Joe

Steven Perkins said...

Solid! I love the linework around the eye...

Stumpyhorse said...

thanks guys!!