Thursday, October 16, 2008


I had a little book made at LULU just to try it out. I'm pretty satisfied with the quality considering the inexpensive cost. However, i wasn't thinking of the book format and mixed up some of my pages. Look for something like this for sale in the future!!



Caitlin said...

Cool - I use Lulu...what about pairing some sort of writing with your images, like maybe tiny stories or your inspiration? Just a thought. Total picture books are cool too. :)

chelly said...

very cool!

i want to "follow" your blog but can't find the button.

Steven Perkins said...

Hey hey, that looks cool...

Stumpyhorse said...

thanks all! that's a good idea Caitlin. I typically don't have much of a story that goes with my illustrations but i am toying with the idea of a book that does loosely follow a story line.

Stumpyhorse said...

chelly: i think there is a button now so you can follow my blog.

chelly said...

hi jared :) nope, only if i want to follow rss (i have no idea how to do that). i found out after visiting your site that lots of ppl don't have a "follow" button. i haven't figured out the difference yet. i'm a nooooooooooooob. haha!

how's the kids' book going?

Josh said...

cool book jared... to toss my thoughts in here, you can "subscribe" to the blog through a free website called It is was is called an rss aggregator that you can subscribe to many blogs, websites, etc. and it will send you updates whenever there are changes posted. i use it and it is pretty easy, just a thought

chelly said...

i finally figured out that i can manage it w/in my own acct :D

Kirsten McCrea said...

I found you via Threadless and WHOA - i LOVE your stuff. Can I buy your book? You can get in touch with me either through my blog ( or website (

Please please please please please?