Thursday, October 23, 2008

Nocturnal Superorder

This is my latest design that I have submitted to Threadless for consideration. I have a few more that are in the works and once they are done I think I am going to begin working on illustrating a children's book that I have been putting off for quite some time. So keep your eyes open for that!


Caitlin said...

Well, as you may or may not know, I do love owls, so this is right up my alley. I also like the mix (I refuse to say juxtaposition, because people throw that word around too much) of organic and geometric shapes, and I feel as if you are bordering on brilliance. The triangles on the left in this picture reminds me of an IQ test they used to make us take in grade school, that mixed with owl wisdom is making me really dig this...

Now, I also LOVE children's stories, so this news you have written is exciting to me as well! Did you write this story, or is someone's work you are illustrating? :)

Joe said...

I LOVE THIS ONE!! It seems you're hiting the nail on the head more often with me. Great Work

Stumpyhorse said...

Thanks Uncle Joe!

Thanks Caitlin! I didn't know that you loved owls. I have definitely been enjoying my last few designs as i have been blending the organic and geometric.

The children's story that i am going to illustrate was actually written by Kyle's wife, Lindsy.